We are under a time limit; we do not want to stale out a Purd, or enter the Friend Zone with a Prude. (For definitions, refer to Prude-Purd Theory) To make best use of our time, we can make use of the Time Distortion Effect.
The Time Distortion Effect goes as follows: the more memories, the more perceived time investment.
Yes, it is as simple as that. No, I’m not lying to you. To increase the amount of time a girl thinks she’s spent with you, simply increase the number of memories with her. Now, you are probably thinking, “well, increasing the number of memories can’t be easy.” On the contrary, increasing the number of memories is as easy as walking. In fact, that’s an easy way to do it! To utilize the Time Distortion Effect, you need only to change the context of your interaction. What’d I tell you? Simple as cake.
We have two ways of changing the context: change the place and change the time. To change the place, you can either Move or Bounce. To change the time, give a Future Projection (which we'll go over next).
To make the most out of your moves, move often; spend 5 to 15 minutes in each place, never spending too much of your valuable time at one store in a mall, one bench in a park, or one ride in a circus.
Every time you change venue, you bounce. This means that in the hour you could have spent with her at your house, you instead went to your house, the grocery store, the coffee shop, a book store, and back to your house, so now she has 5 memories instead of 1.
The main idea behind the Time Distortion Effect is that when she gets home, and her mom asks her what she did all day, she can say the words, “And then we[...]” as many times as possible.