This book is not meant to change your ethical, political, or philosophical views. This book is merely to entertain.
Well, that's not entirely true. But since when as anything been for the sole purpose of entertainment? Most television shows feed us hidden messages to further their sales, most songs have subliminal messages to get you hooked, and even amusement parks charge money.
Since no one creates anything to entertain, let us start over:
This book is not meant to change your ethical, political, or philosophical views. This book is merely to show you an alternative way to look at people and their interactions.
Most of believe that women want buff guys with lots of money and a football ring. We think that “you either have it, or you don't.” We blindly follow the masses into ignorance and mediocrity. We feel helpless.
We shall prove that wrong so that we never have to feel oppressed again. Not today, not tomorrow, and not for the rest of out lives.
In the immortal words of Charlie Chaplin, “You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men!”
On a different note—it's vitally important that you know and understand why this book will help. In it, I will help you raise your Social Value, a value determined by your Replication Value, given looks, and Survival Value, ability to survive in a tribe-like society. So, anytime I refer to “value,” just know that I'm talking about Social Value, not some intrinsic human value.
Luckily enough for us, women prefer Survival Value to Replication Value. Let's put it this way: 100,000 years ago, women did not care about how men looked, so why would they now? The truth is, they don't. Everyone has been programmed by advertising to believe they do; but in reality, emotions are natural reactions to subconscious things.
So, to get the success we want, all we have to do is raise our Survival Value. Sound good? Good, let's get started.